Friday, March 30, 2007

Sister Ruth Gets called to the Bar

Sister Ruth is smiling. She has every reason to. Everyone who smiles is a winner. She has won with God on her side. As one who is constantly testifying in church, she leaves no one in doubt as to where her help comes from.

Born in a Polygamous home, she hardly had any acquaintance with parental care beyond what little she got from her mom. As far as her dad was concerned, she was not a priority: being neither male nor among the first in the family tree.
She learnt early in life how to pay her way. She fed and schooled herself by working in people's farms or helping with dishes in eateries. All of that is history now as she has made it to the Nigerian Bar.

In one of her testimonies, she recounted how she decided to spend the night in church, in an all night service, hours before her law exam. Her room mate thought she had lost her mind when she heard about it. It seemed like a suicide move. It was a final exam and the scope of examination was going to be broad. Admittedly, Sister Ruth did not have every ground covered but God would not be put anywhere but first place in her life. God in turn never let her down.

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